Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sermon in a Bottle

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - B.  "And many rebuked him, telling him to be silent."

When I preach on a set of texts, I try to concentrate on "the big idea."  But this Gospel intrigues me with a suble picture-in-picture by Luke.  Blind Bartimaeus is begging, hears the popular miracle-working Jesus is coming down the road, and cries out.  Some of Jesus's disciples shuss him.  He cried out the louder, and maybe over the din Jesus hears him.  He calls him over.   Immediately the two-faced disciples change their tune and say to Bartimaeus, "Take courage, get up."

What a bunch of hypocrites!  My personal opinion is that Luke accurately reported the story he heard.  Luke deliberately left this embarassing scene of lack of love by Jesus's disciples in the story.  Every generation of us ministers of Jesus does the same thing. 

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